We want to send out a friendly reminder about the acceptable use of Artificial Intelligence. Please review the Authorized User Policy on AI. Additionally, please take the new course which is designed to ensure that all employees are informed about the use of AI appropriately.

Course Name – AI (Artificial Intelligence) Acceptable Use Policy

Course ID – AIAUP24


AI technology is a powerful tool that can be used to create a wide range of content, including text, images, audio, and source code. Tools can also be conversational in nature and provide answers on a wide variety of topics.

As a company that utilizes this technology, we have a responsibility to ensure that its use is legal, ethical, and in compliance with our corporate values and policies.

Knight-Swift does not want to discourage employees from interacting with new and innovative technology; the Company asks that employees and contractors follow the following standards when using these tools on company-provided IT equipment:

  • Use the technology only for legitimate business purposes that are in line with our corporate values and policies.
  • Ensure that the content generated by AI technology is accurate, reliable, and appropriate for its intended purpose.
  • Prevent the misuse or abuse of AI technology.
  • Ensure that the use of AI technology does not violate any third-party copyrights, trademarks, etc.
  • Knight-Swift cannot control the actions of third parties but shall control how such systems interact with Knight-Swift.
  • Be aware of the potential for bias in AI interactions.

Prohibited Uses:

  • The Company requires that its valued and trusted employees and contractors use their best judgment to ensure that they are not partaking in illegal activities or other prohibited uses, including but not limited to cybercrime, fraud, distribution of malicious content, identity theft, and phishing scams.
  • Inputting Personally Identifiable Information (PII), customer data, or financial data into an AI tool is strictly prohibited.
  • Individuals with concerns about the usage of AI should talk to their department head, IT leadership or Internal Audit.

Click on the PDF below to view the full policy.

IT Policy_AI v4

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