Trucker Lifestyle

Driver standing in the door of his truck showing Knight Transportation logo

Why is Truck Driving An Essential Service?

The COVID-19 pandemic moved the Federal Government to divide jobs into two categories, essential and nonessential. Typical jobs like doctors, nurses, police officers, and firefighters will always play important roles during a pandemic. Not so apparent industries are equally important for keeping the country moving. The transportation industry moves important products for first responders or the general public.

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Knight Transportation: Spouses of Truckers

Spouses of Truckers

The life of a professional trucker is one of adventure, fulfillment, and accomplishment. Being a trucker’s spouse can be just as fulfilling, if the role is approached properly. A trucker’s family can either embrace or fight against the responsibilities that accompany such an occupation. We advise spouses of truckers to welcome their partner’s chosen profession and positively consider the benefits of being a trucker’s spouse. Regard being a trucker’s spouse a privilege and enjoy their chosen profession by following the tips listed below:

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Knight Transportation Pet Policy

Top 10 Benefits of Truck Driving With Pets

Long-haul or over-the-road trucking can be a lonely profession. There are many hours spent on the roads, without the companionship available in other career fields. Thankfully, though, many trucking companies, including Knight Transportation, do have an allowance for pets, giving drivers much-needed companionship while on the road.

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