How to Avoiding Driving Too Fast for Road Conditions

Driving a truck at a speed that is greater than a reasonable standard for safe driving is extremely dangerous, especially when dealing with difficult road conditions.
Examples of conditions where drivers may find themselves driving too fast
- Wet Roadways (rain, snow, or ice)
- Reduced Visibility (fog, winter storms)
- Construction Zones
- Curves and Intersections
- Heavy traffic
Below are some tips to help you maintain a safe speed for various driving conditions.
TIP #1: Reduce Your Driving Speed in Adverse Road and/or Weather Conditions
Adjust your speed to safely match weather conditions, road conditions, visibility, and traffic. Excessive driving speed is a major cause of fatal crashes and higher speeds may cause more severe crashes.
Did You Know? CMV Drivers should reduce their speed by 1/3 on wet roads and by 1/2 or more on snow-packed roads.
TIP #2: Reduce Your Speed and Enter a Curve Slowly
Speed limits posted on curve warning signs are intended for passenger vehicles, not CMVs. CMV needs to approach an exit/entrance ramp at least 10 15 MPH below posted limit. Truck rollovers are more likely to occur on exit/entrance ramps when the driver misjudges the sharpness of the ramp curve and enters the curve at an excessive speed.
Did You Know? Braking in a curve can cause the wheels to lock up and the vehicle to skid.
TIP #3: Drive Slowly with a Loaded Trailer
Loaded trailers have a higher center of gravity and sudden speed adjustment may cause the load to shift, leading to skidding or a rollover.
Did You Know? Large trucks with fully loaded trailers are 10 times more likely to roll over than those with empty trailers.
TIP #4: Slow Down in Work Zones
Before entering a work zone, decrease your speed, merge into the correct lane well ahead of any lane closures, and be prepared to slow down or stop suddenly.
Did You Know? Nearly a quarter of all work-zone deaths involved a CMV.
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